martedì 24 maggio 2011

Discovering Massa Lubrense

Massa Lubrense is one of the Sorrento Peninsula gems, a treasure of natural beauty and landscape of unquestionable beauty.
Set between the blue sea, awarded this year with the fourth consecutive Blue Flag, and the smooth hills where are grown olive trees and citrus fruits, Massa Lubrense surprises its visitors with its serene composure and its Mediterranean style.

martedì 17 maggio 2011

Sorrento's flavors

Sorrento is a wonderful land that offers to its visitors not only breathtaking views and unforgettable welcoming, but it surprises with the inimitable flavors of its cuisine.
The Sorrento gastronomy is a thousand-year heritage, the result of combinations of people and cultures that have left an indelible mark in a unique culinary culture that mixes the classic flavors of Mediterranean cuisine with a modern and current way.

martedì 19 aprile 2011

A reinvigorating spring break in Sorrento

Why miss the pleasure of a spring break in Sorrento?
Why let drop the opportunity to be intoxicated by the colors and atmosphere that reign in Sorrento? Sunny days feel like enjoying of an early summer sea day, while the scenic treasures and the ancient paths are just waiting to be discovered.
An holiday in Sorrento can be also an opportunity to experience the typical Sorrento cuisine and to rush headlong into a sensory universe made of uncommon combinations of mozzarella cheese, tomatoes, olive oil, provolone del monaco, “delizie” with lemon and limoncello.

mercoledì 30 marzo 2011

A trip on the beach

Waiting for the summer, there is the growing desire of sea, sea salt and warm rays of the sun, walking on the sand or on the pebbles, breathing the smell of the sea.
Although it is too early to have a swim, in spring you can be content with a trip on the beach, favored by good weather and the first sun.
You have only to equip with a towel and a pair of sunglasses to look at the beaches from a different point of view. No sun umbrellas, no sun chairs, but the possibility to relax without crowds.

martedì 29 marzo 2011

Wake up: it's spring time!

For a relaxing holiday you have just to pack your suitcase and head towards Sorrento!
Describe the spring in Sorrento? Everything is poetry! Do you know the postcard views? Yes, precisely those with the Mount Vesuvius, the blue sea and the clear sky! To this show add as a frame exception the lush hills of the Sorrento peninsula, colored with the splashes of the trees in bloom colors: Welcome to Sorrento!
Sunny days are a great excuse to go shopping along the avenue or through the narrow streets of Old Town. The time for a coffee or for an ice cream in the smart cafes and it is already time to watch the sunset. And here nothing more than poetry! A so nice show that it cannot be described!

Easter Holidays in Sorrento

The Easter holidays are the expectations for all employees that this year have not been able to enjoy long bridges and now want to take a spring break.
Form the typical palms of confetti that are blessed on Palm Sunday to the processions of hooded the Easter in Sorrento Peninsula is rich in traditions and religious rituals that create an attractive and exciting atmosphere and that makes even more fascinating the stay in Sorrento.
The Easter lunch is another good reason to choose Sorrento. Baked pasta, casatiello and pastiera. How to resist?
Do you have a small budget to be allocated to the Easter holidays but do you want quality and comfort?

giovedì 24 marzo 2011

Easter in Sorrento!

Are you tired of the usual bed and breakfast in Sorrento?
This year, give you an holiday in a Sorrento relais!
The Relais Francesca is a small accommodation in Piano di Sorrento, a small and lively town few kilometers away from Sorrento. The perfect accommodation where to spend a relaxing holiday in an oasis of peace, far away from the hustle and bustle of a big city.